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I have this on my profile SharePoint

I tryed get value from  Calculated value, using the formula " userProfileLookup(Current User,'Office')"

But don't working


Have you tried 'Office Location' or 'OfficeLocation'? Also, what version of Nintex are you using?

yes i tried but don't worked.


Are you in SharePoint 2013? 2016? Office 365?

The screenshot you showed, where is this located? How did you navigate here?

SharePoint 2013

 yes I navigate here

Seems like you must be in some on prem SharePoint version, I'm in 365 and that path takes me to Delve. I found this article:

Default user profile property mappings in SharePoint Server 2013 

It says that the attribute name for the office is physicalDeliveryOfficeName so you might try that

Unfortunately, doesn't work


I've just checked from Central Administration on my SP2016 and that field has internal name SPS-Location, could you give it a try with that name?


it Works, thank you very much for the help
