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I have a Custom List 'ApplicationUsers' having two columns 'Initiator' and 'HeadApproval' of type Person or Group.


I want to get a 'HeadApproval' by passing 'Current User' corresponding to 'Initiator'.


I am using Calculated Value field and using below formula


lookup('ApplicationUsers','Initiator',Current User,'HeadApproval')


but I am getting



please help me

The Lookup function can be interesting to work with. In my experience, it's generally an issue with the data not matching up quite right. 


First, try using the Lookup to just pull a record by ID and hard code the ID. Pull the HeadApproval field you're looking for, but also try it to pull the Initiator column. 


Also, confirm that your columns are actually called Initiator and HeadApproval in the list. If I remember correctly, the Lookup function goes off of the Display Name of the columns, not the System Name. 


It always helps if you include screenshots of your list columns, data, form control settings, etc.

have alook on this 

Thanks dear,

as per your suggestion I tried by ID and getting below result


Lookup Formula:

lookup('Application Users','ID',1,'Head Approval')



Please also see the List structure936iB28747AD9754CD58.png

when I change fomula as below

lookup('Application Users','Initiator',Current User,'Head Approval')

I am not getting any thing just blank result





After searching I am able to figure out by using below code

lookup('Application Users','Initiator',userProfileLookup(Current User,'PreferredName'),'Head Approval')

Thanks all of you for help
