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Can we use inline function Get File From SharePoint 2010 to get file from SharePoint 2013 document library.

Basically I need to send email attachment from E-mail event(Visual Studio workflow designer). File need to attach from SharePoint 2013 document library. Please find attached screen of inline function.

I am getting error in Error Logs: The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found



an alternative of using the getdocument smartobject was given


1. In the Smart Object Tester Tool, register a new SharePoint Content Service instance pointing to your SP2013 site
2. Once registered, open K2 Studio and create new process. in the process create a datafield docName
3 In the Object Browser, right click and Add new Reference.
4. Step though the wizard and drag the Get Document method across from your document library in SharePoint 2013. smartobjectserver-->sharepoint2013-->Sharepoint Content--> portal site--> documents ---> my documents --> GetDocument.
5. Click next
6. Assign the process data field "docName" to the Name field, click Next and Finish.
7. As an example Add an mail event to the canvas, From References drag the FileLeafRef reference field into the Attachments textbox.

finish then deploy and test.

PS: When running the process please make sure you supply the Document name in the "docName" Datafield.

Remember that the workflow executes in context of the service account, so you would need to add the service account user to your SharePoint site.

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