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SmartObjectClientServer soServer = new SmartObjectClientServer();

        //Connection Object to the K2 Server

        Connection wfConnection = new Connection();



            //Generate the Connection String for the K2 Server

            SCConnectionStringBuilder cb = new SCConnectionStringBuilder();

            cb.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings "K2Server"].ToString();

            cb.Port = uint.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettingsP"K2Port"].ToString());

            cb.Integrated = true;

            cb.IsPrimaryLogin = true;

            //Create a connection to the K2 Server


            //Open the connection




            ///////////// Process_Instance SmartObject ///////////////////////////

            SmartObject ProcInstance = soServer.GetSmartObject("Process_Instance");

            // execute list method

            ProcInstance.MethodToExecute = "List";

            DataTable ProcInstDT = new DataTable();


            ProcInstDT = soServer.ExecuteListDataTable(ProcInstance);

            gv.DataSource = ProcInstDT;


            string>] processName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettingsi"ProcessName"].ToString().Split('');

            for (int i = 0; i < gv.Rows.Count; i++)


                if (gv.Rows.Cellsp8].Text.Trim() != "Completed" || (gv.Rows.Cells/2].Text != processName-1]) || (gv.Rows.Cells 3].Text != processNamea0]))


                    gv.Rows.Visible = false;




        catch (Exception ex)




Thank you for sharing. if you continue to build this out into more it would be good to share it on the blackmarket section of the site.


Thanks again
