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Hi, there!

While creating sort-of-custom-worklist ran into problem of getting information if task was escalated (time based) or not.

Any suggestions? My guess is API is no help here and I should move to SmartObjects but it's very uncharted route.



I had a quick look, it seems like there aren't any SmOs to extract the Escalation data. You can do a simple select though, using the following:


FROM k2serverlog.._EscInst

WHERE ProcInstID = <%YourProcInstID%>


Usual disclaimer: NEVER update data or data structures directly in the database, you will void your software guarantee. And always use well structured queries. If you do bulk selects, create tables in memory, etc, it can have an adverse effect on your K2 Server.

I've checked SmartObject and API  - 99%sure - no info on escalations.

LogDB is not a way to go  - only Completed processes there, and i need Active. But idea was good 🙂 and i've checked other DBs - no such info.

Any other ideas?



Log database contains Active as well as Completed instance information. It's just that logging occurs asynchronously, meaning the info might be a few seconds behind if the system is under high load.

You are right. Everything works fine. Thanks.
