Please note that an Apple Developer Enterprise Program account is required to create the appropriate certificates to sign iOS versions of Nintex App Studio apps.
Generate a Distribution Certificate
- In Apple Developer Portal, navigate to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
- Click All and then the Add button ( + ) in the upper-right corner.
- Under Production, select In House and Ad Hoc.
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
To manually generate a distribution certificate, a company must create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file on a Mac.
To create a Certificate Signing Request
- In Applications, open Utilities and then launch Keychain Access.
- In Keychain Access menu bar, select Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
- In the Certificate Information window enter the following:
Field Text User Email Address enter email address Common Name create a name for a private key CA Email Address leave empty Request is select Saved to disk - Click Continue.
- Create a file name and specify where it will be saved.
- Click Save.
To upload a Certificate Signing Request
- Return to the Apple Developer Portal and click Continue.
- Click Choose File and select the file from the previous step.
- Click Generate.
To download a Certificate Signing Request
- Click Download to retrieve the distribution certificate.
Install the Certificate
- Click the certificate file to install to the local keychain.
Export the Certificate
Some mobile device management (MDM) solutions require the certificate to be exported.
- In Applications, open Utilities folder and then launch Keychain Access.
- Under Keychains, select Login.
- Under Category, select Keys.
- Select the two profiles created previously with the iOS Developer common name. Do not include the public key.
- Right click and then click Export 2 items.
- Use the file format Personal Information Exchange (.p12 certificate).
- Choose a filename and destination and then click Save.
- Set a password and then click OK.
For more information on generating distribution certificate , see the Apple article Creating Additional Developer ID Certificates.