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Versions: blackpearl 4.6.6, smartforms 1.0.4

In the Event Notification Message section of the SmartForms Client Event wizard, if I call an inline function with parameters, the notification fails to send and the workflow continues.

For example, say I want to include the user's NTID in the notification message for some reason. An easy way to get that is to call "Replace(ActivityInstanceDestUserFQN,K2:,Empty String)", and calling that inline causes notifications not to be sent out.

Well ok, there's a work around for that specific case because I can just set that value in a previous event and not have to call the function inline.

A more practical example which I haven't found a workaround for is calling a SmartObject from within that message body. This area is the only area I have access to the Worklist Item context, which I'm trying to extract the Worklist Item Link from.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Hi Jacis,


I believe this to be a known issue and it is currently being investigated:


It seems to be that any normal text work in a "notification message",

 But whenever it is data from a SmartObject it starts messing around.

   {Found that most of the time it doesn’t display any values on the "notification message"}


I would suggest the following:


Try and populate the same data set to the “notification message” in a memo or textbox control on the form/view and see if it displays the values there.


Hope this helped.


