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Hi All,


We are new to k2,working on an existing application. from a .net business layer code the following method is called which is retireving a list of data from the database




But we are not able to know which method or application is exacatly being called and how DB connectivity and data is retrieved.


Please let us know if you need any info.





What's the question?


OpenWorklist should be in the data access layer.

Hi Pete,


Ill explain the scenario, We ahve a business layer application(c# code) which is calling K2 to retrieve data from database


Worklist wlist; 

WorklistCriteria oWorklistCriteria;


wlist=K2connectionobj.OpenWorklist(oWorklistCriteria); This method is getting the data from the database. but we are unable to know which stored procedure or how it is retreiving the data. we are not able to fing the logic of this method.


presently it is retrrieving 7 columns from the database , i need to add two more columns to it,but as im unable to find the code where it connects to database and gets the not able to make the changes.



