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Client is looking for a way to alias an email address to something more descriptive.


Client will have to create a new email address in order to alias the old email address


After doing some testing on this in different ways, we found you can do the following in Workspace in order to have a more descriptive email name.

What I did was as follows:
1. Add a new user (email) to the Active Directory Users and Computers list.
I gave my new user the following credentials
Firstname: TestEmail
DispayName: TestEmail

2. Change the environment fields in Workspace for my given environment, in this case, DEV.
I changed the FROM ADDRESS from the Development Environment Fields to reflect as well as change the String Table entry for FROM ADDRESS to

I then ran a few test instances of a simple workflow that sends an email after a client event is actioned. For all these instances, I still had the workflow sending from These emails now come through as being from

I tried another email named,, and that worked as well.

You can make your email address as descriptive as you like, as long as it is not a duplicate of any email addresses you have in the Active Directory Users and Computers list.



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