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This formula is not working for this requirement: only displays if Request Type=Add New Supplier OR =Activate Supplier AND Vendor Confirmation Button=Yes:


not(equals(Request_Type, 'Add New Supplier')||(equals(Request_Type, 'Activate Supplier') &&equals(Vendor_Confirmation_Button, 'Yes'))


It was working without the part after ‘||’ .  Once I added the 2nd condition after ‘||’, this control is displayed regardless the value in “Vendor Confirmation Button”.


It seems that the condition after ‘&&’ is ignored.


I also tried this way and it also not working:


and(equals(Vendor_Confirmation_Button, 'Yes')), not(equals(Request_Type, 'Add New Supplier')||equals(Request_Type, 'Activate Supplier'))

I got this to work:

not(or(equals(Request_Type, 'Add New Supplier'), equals(Request_Type, 'Activate Supplier'))&&equals(Vendor_Confirmation_Button, 'Yes'))

It's just matter of enclose components properly, 'Not' negates everything enclosed

Thanks for sharing.
