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Question is: How exactly can we use the ‘Nintex Forms Enterprise – SQL Request Control’ to connect to an Oracle DB?

Nintex Support (Dan Burke) says:

"As long as the query is setup properly and the account used in the Secure Store has permissions to the Oracle DB, the Execute SQL control should work with Oracle queries. I don't have a test Oracle setup to run this, but looking at the code base, it should handle these appropriately."

The same question is unanswered here:

Nintex Support is not offering any further advice to us on this. We simply can't get this to work, and maybe we simply don't understand how to use the control for this purpose.

Thank you,

Hi @Matt Hawes

Pls ,did u find anything about this subject?

Nintex Forms SQL Request Control will not connect to an Oracle DB. We have determined that it is different in functionality from the SQL Query in Nintex Workflow, and simply will not support Oracle.

The solution for now is to setup a MS SQL server, and create a 'linked server' to Oracle. Add an empty database, and inside the empty database you can deploy stored procedures that use the linked server (Oracle).

It is best to use stored procedures when working with the SQL Request Control.

It's necessary to create a SQL or web service 'go between' in order to work with an Oracle DB at this time.


