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Forms Checked-out by user in Domain that does not exists


Domain User on old domain had a View and Form checkout and that domain was remove with the form and View not check in

Domain was removed from K2 LDAP connection, new one was added


1. Make a backup of the K2 database

2. Kindly take note of the following for the views on that form:
SELECT ID, CheckedOutBy, Name
FROM OK2].2Form].mView]
WHERE Name LIKE 'ViewName'

Copy the result to a text file to remember. The ID and CheckedOutBy properties would be the GUID and UserID parameters we would need to pass on later.

For forms, please replace the table name to tK2].2Form].mForm]. Take note of the same properties above.

3. Execute the hK2].2Form].maUndoViewsCheckout] stored proc by providing the following parameters
@userID = CheckedOutBy

For forms, run uK2].2Form].maUndoFormsCheckout]. It makes use of the same parameters as above.

4. Do this for all the views used in that form first. When the checkout has been undone, then continue with the form by following the same steps above.

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