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Hi anyone please help


I have created a form with Nintex form 2013, it works ok but now when I click on certain buttons I have created, the information just shift and overlap on top of the other and makes the fields not to be visible, please help, how can I make the blocks not to overlap over each other, I have tried to shift around the fields I have created it does not look like it is working.

on the picture below if I check the box send to default emails then the fields below just shift up and makes other blocks to be a mess.


One thing you could do is to use a responsive form instead of a classic form and you will never have these issues.
If you want to use a classic form then this is what I keep in mind while developing.
1. Group controls that you want to hide into a panel.
2. Apply the hide rule to the panel only.
3. Do not overlap panels.
4. Apply 1 rule per panel and not 1 rule for multiple panels.
5. Order the rules in the same order as the panels from the top down.
