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I am trying to get a panel to hide or show based on a numeric range in a control.


Control name is "quality"  and range that I want to show the panel is 2.5-3.5


So I assemble a rule like this:



But this does not provide the expected results...and typically will act quite strangely on execution, obviously I am not approaching this correctly



Try the following two things :

- Add a visible control with a formula and the value quality > 2.5

- Add a visible control with a formula and the value quality * 10

I suspect it's a format problem

here is what I went through and what actually worked:


and(Quality>2.5,Quality<3.5)  this results as True for 2.5-3.5 and hides
the panel…  which is the exact opposite
of what I am trying to do.


This evaluated true all of the time: and(Quality<2.5,Quality>3.5)
not sure why because it should be false between 2.5 and 3.5


So I tried: not(and(Quality>2.5,Quality<3.5))
this worked oddly…causes the form to error (without actually throwing an error)


Then: not(Quality>2.5,Quality<3.5) but NOT apparently can only
take one argument as this one only evals the first argument


This one: not((Quality>2.5,Quality<3.5)) only evals the second argument



Here is what finally worked…only about 2hrs of
banging my head against the screen…




Has Nintex published anything about rules? I can’t seem to find
anything except a page about their symbol usage….
