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Form will not display in K2 Mobile if Anonymous Access is unchecked.


- If Anonymous Access is checked, K2 Mobile will open the form using AnonymousResources.ashx, not the runtime url

- K2 Mobile seems to be unable to open the form through the runtime url, and no noticeable error can be found in logs

- User has both non-SSL and SSL bindings set for K2 site

- Runtime url is configured to use non-SSL address

- By default, K2 will configure site realms and issuer to use SSL. This may cause some problem if runtime is using non-SSL url, as there will be switching between SSL and non-SSL urls when trying to open the form. K2 Mobile seems to be unable to handle this situation.


- If SSL is not required, go to IIS Manager and change the Runtime site to use Windows Authentication (and disable Forms Authentication)

- If SSL is required or if SharePoint is present in environment, go to Environment Library to update Runtime url to use SSL

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