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I have seen the following post about the time out in the forms: nintex form time out

It assumes that this was a SharePoint form session time out issue and not a Nintex issue, but I don't have the issue with a basic form (no Nintex). Hence I am not keen to apply the proposed  time out change procedure.

Do you also have this issue ?

Does the latest version of Nintex solve this issue ?



What 's your current configuration?

Run this Powershell

  PS> $SPSite = Get-SPSite("https://CharlesPortal")

PS> $webApp = $SPSite.WebApplication

PS> $webApp.FormDigestSettings

I still have the issue: timeout with Nintex forms but not with SharePoint forms...

My SharePoint settings are:

Enabled                       Expires Timeout                       UpgradedPersistedProperties

-------                       ------- -------                       ---------------------------

    True                          True 00:30:00                      {}

Is there any other session timeout which is used by Nintex forms?



I saw this happen in one environment and it turned out to be a security appliance that was causing it.  If I remember correctly it was squid proxy that was blocking something that caused this happen.  A few quick setting changes to allow forms to connect properly solved the issue.   Ask your security team if anything is in place that could do this.   In the instance I am referring to, the initial response was "no", until I said "are you sure, go look" .... and then "oh yeah was being blocked."

We are experiencing the same issue.  I set the FormDigestSettings to be 8 hours but we still have the 30 minute timeout with Nintex forms.  I have asked our Network team about the possible proxy blocking (mentioned by Mike M above) but we have n o additional information yet.

Is there anything else that can be done to alleviate this issue?
