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After deleting a workflow completely (history and logs included), the forms tied to the old workflow do not submit as they are still looking for the previously deleted workflow.


When deleting a workflow from an appified list there are still rules injected into the forms tied to the workflow. This causes any forms in the list to error out, since the previously deleted workflow is being referenced by the forms.


Since the forms are looking for the previously deleted workflow the following should be done to remove these references:

1. Access the New Form that is tied to the previously deleted workflow.
2. Access the Rules section of the form.
3. There will be two states created for the form, the state that is tied to the workflow should have a name that reflects the name of the workflow when first configuring the workflow, it will have (Default) in its name.
4. Drill into the rule that states "when the Save Button is clicked".
5. Find the rule that calls the deleted workflow. Delete this rule.
6. Click OK.
7. Finish the form.
8. Check in the form.
9. Repeat this process for any forms that were used in the deleted workflow.

After deleting this rule, every form that has been receiving any error warnings about a missing workflow reference should now work.

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