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Hi ,

We have a list view and list view is connected with SharePoint smart object and when we are trying to search list view filter based on any field and value then getting result but when we are trying to search based on created date then date filter is not working and getting unauthorized 401 error though user have full privilege .
I am using in SharePoint 2010 .
In SharePoint 2013 its working fine

Arvind kumar
Are you using the same SharePoint service broker in both cases?
Are we talking about a SharePoint 2013 site in 2010 mode, or native 2013 (for what works)?
If native 2013, are you using the K2 for SharePoint app?
What broker are you using for the SP2010 site? CSOM?

I ask, because the different brokers have different authentication mechanisms, etc. It might be easier to come up with an idea of why the one isn't working, if we're more certain exactly which kind of connection is being made.


Hi Gail,


I am not using sharepoint 2013 broker , i am using sharepoint v2 broker for sharepoint 2010 site . Please advise the same .


- Arvind
