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I am using: Nintex Forms for Office 365

So this is going to be a weird one. I have 4 content types and 4 nintex forms created off of these in my list. 3 of the forms do not have and issue. The issue on the 1 form is that the format of the font in a label is defaulting to blue and becomes underlined like a hyperlink. Only its not, its just a simple label. The font and font size by default is set as inherited. The form has a default font color set as black. So where is this getting the formatting of blue and underlined when hover over. If I specifically select the text in the label and set a font and font size and font color, then it will override this, but there are many labels, and it still doesn't provide me a reason for the issue.

I have tested on other computers and in both Chrome and IE 11.

Can someone help?


To add a bit to this, I am unable to actually change the format of these labels. Even when I add a new label, it starts defaulted to this weird formatting.
