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Form complaining that there are rules left to configure when saving a form.


This issue usually happens when something external (SmartObject, Expressions, Parameters, other rules) that the form is referencing in a rule have been changed outside of the rule.


My first approach to troubleshoot this would be to go through the following rules for starters and step through the 'configure' wizards looking for missing references:

- When the Form is Initializing
- On Edit Outgoing Wires, when Cancel Button is Clicked
- When Button Close Form is Clicked
- When Button Cancel Wire is Clicked
- When Button Resubmit Wire is Clicked
- When Edit Outgoing Wires executed Initialize
- On Outgoing Wire Request Line Items Edit List, when Save Toolbar Button is Clicked

Note that hidden conditional statements that have no action below them can cause this as well, even though they are hidden. Also, make sure that the rules in the Workflow Task state aren't showing any red "incomplete" flags.

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