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I have a SQL table that I want to auto-generate into a SmartForm. I can right-click on a SMO and choose Item View List View Form and the appropriate views and form are generated. When clicking on the List item, the Item view below is supposed to be auto filled. If I create the SMO to SQL from the web-based designer, then the on-click rule is missing form the form. If I generate the SMO to SQL from the Service Broker Tester then the on-click rule is added to the form.


Support utilized the attached video to reproduce the issue with same results. Forwarded the ticket to labs.


Labs determined this item is a new bug. Properties Under Element NULL When SMO Generated via Designer vs. SMO Tester is the work item. It looks like the properties under the element in the XML of the SMO generated via designer are null, and this is causing the issue. A fix will be released at a later date. The workaround is to generate SMO via the SMO testing tool.

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