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Hi Guys,


Just starting working with the for-each event in blackpearl. I am somewhat confused by it even after studying the cyclops article and the docs. I unerstand what the source is for, but I donlt get the Reference and Index requirments.


I am using a list method on a smart object for my source and I want to do somethig to each item in the foreach loop.


When I setup the wizard I am stating the list method and using a bit of text for the item reference.


I donlt really know what I;m supposed to put in the index text box.


My smart object has a bunch of IDs so I pointed the index at those as it seemed logical.


I added the loop back line as instructed.


When I run this the loop is infinate, I cannot stop it easilty either I have to delete all versions out of workspace.


Not really sure what I am doing wrong, does anyone have any decent examples of the for-each documented that I can follow?

Perhaps this video and documentation can provide more details:


The Index field will be created as a data field and is just used internally by the foreach event to determine if there are any more items to process; and usually you will not need to interact with it.
