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I am working on a project that requires a high level of flexibility in which it must allowed to deviate from the normal process flow if the business requires so.
Does this mean that I have to add lines for all of these possible shortcuts or is there a way to force a processinstance to "jump" from a cetain activity to a totally unconnected other activity in the process flow.
Other solutions to this requirement are also welcome.


Hi wijermars,

there is a default functionality which enables the execution of a process instance to jump from one Activity to another Activity. The target Activity need not be connected to the originating Activity.

This function is known as "Goto". You may perform an in process "Goto" using one of the following methods:
1. Escalation - "Goto Escalation" template
2. Server event, with the following code: K2.GotoActivity("ActivityName").
When using (2), ensure that there is no Client Event in the Activity from which you are executing the Server event with the Goto code.

Why can we not have a Client Event in the activity when using the GoTo? Is this restriction, or a warning? And if it is a warning, what are the risks/side effects?
