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I have a flexi task setup to send reminders every day but no reminders are being sent. I have even changed it to send every 5 min...for testing...but still no luck. Any reason why this would happen? Also, anyway I can track if there is an issue accessing mail server or troubleshooting this step.


Hi Abhi,

is your SharePoint farm configured to send emails at all? Do other mails work, like task notifications? Do other reminders on other task actions work? Did you have a look at the ULS log at the time the mails should be sent?

Hi Philipp

All other emails are working fine. Task notification comes through...other emails in workflow work as well. Just the reminder is not working

Are you able to access the Servers ULS log? Maybe you will find some information there.

I don't see anything wrong with the configuration of your reminders. Do you have other task actions, where reminders are working? Can you maybe create another small test workflow with just one task to see if the reminders aren't working at all or just stuck for this one action.

Hi Abhi,

how long have you waited after running the workflow?

I see you set it to 1 minute, but this works on the Timer Service, which usually have at least a 5 minute delay.

The other thing to check, is if you set a Pause/Delay action and set it to 1 minute, how long does it take before the action moves on?  If it seems to be stuck on that action, you may need to restart the Timer Service.


Restarting timer services fixed the issue
