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A recent triumph (For me anyhow!) enabled me to use a Nintex form to add extra details into a list via a flexi task.

When building the form i was able to see "list columns" in the form designer page like this:


I am doing a completely new form but list columns is missing from my page so i cannot add in what i need to:


Any ideas as to what i am doing wrong?


Just as a tip going fwd, I'd use camel case naming conventions:  FirstName, LastName, ZipCode... then you avoid all that.   Remember the "internal" name ---> the one assigned at column creation, can be different from the "view name" so you could always make FirstName appear as First Name later.

We really need to thank ‌ for his fantastically timed blog post!  happy.png

I try to do this as best practice with list creation as well as column creation (just because I hate the look of %20 in the url)!

Yay so glad you resolved this one - phew!

Totally agree happy.png

I'm so glad that helped!  I almost didn't post that because I thought it might be such an obscure issue that no one else had run into it.  happy.png

Goes back to what ‌, ‌ and I said at the InspireX session. Post it! You never know who it could help! And in this case you've helped Peter (and possibly nintex support)!!

Great Best Practice Mike Matsako‌! I stumbled over this the other day... A quick way to confirm what the original name of a field was when you may or may not have changed it (an issue that had me confused in the past as I hade renamed a typo like "ForstName") is to go to list settings, click on the column settings link and compare the field ID at the end of the URL in the address bar to the value in the Column Name input box (see screenshot).


Patrick Kelligan
