could you describe what do you want to achieve?
quite vague and messy description of what you are experiencing doesn't give any hint which way to move to resolve it.
once you (re)move an item, the task becomes unusable/unconfirmable, so this way it will not work.
Hello Marian. Thanks for responding. I actually did get the Flexi task to trigger off the "Pending" report. But now I am unable to get the Flexi task to send an email back to the requestor when completed. I don't understand using the outcomes in the flexi task. They are not in my form.
But now I am unable to get the Flexi task to send an email back to the requestor when completed. |
flexi task can be configured to send a notification (mail) to task assignee at the moment when task is created.
it doesn't fire any notification when task is confirmed/completed.
if you need to fire notification at that timepoint, you have to do it by purpose on your own using 'send notification' action.
I don't understand using the outcomes in the flexi task |
outcomes are possible options task assignee can choose from when confirming/answering task.
by default there are provided two outcomes - Approve and Reject, meaning assignee answers with either positive or negative response.
hopefully you mean task response form and you mean nintex task form.
task form generated by default definitely contains it. if you removed it you can place it back by dragging of 'Decision' control from 'Task column' right hand side pane in form designer.
or you can delete existing task form and let it nintex regenerate from scratch.
So you have it working on your pending list that is good - what does that workflow look like? As Marian Hatala said you will need to use "Send notification" under the flexi task branches to notify whoever you need to as the outcome from the task. What is the task for exactly?
I got it to work perfectly Marian. I was overthinking it, thinking it was harder than it was. Thanks for your help! Cassy Freeman