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Hi everyone,

I'm facing the following problem:

I have a workflow with a flexi-task for approval. This flexi-task is assigned to a group with two members. One of the members got renamed in Active Directory a few months ago. Now, when the person gets the task for approval, it is assigned to the old login name. Also it looks something like "i:0#.w|domain/username", not Name with presence like the other member of this group (see screenshot).


When I search in a people picker for this person, I can find it with the new name and even the old name.

What I tried:

- stsadm -o migrateuser -oldlogin domainoldusername -newlogin domain
ewusername -ignoresidhistory with the result: The specified old login name could not be found.

- User Profile Sync ... problem persists.

- Set-SPUser ... -SyncFromAD

- Looked at some database tables, but can't find anything with the old name.

- Looked into hidden User Information List in Sharepoint, also without finding anything with the old name.

Maybe someone else was facing this issue? -.-

I know it's more SharePoint related than Nintex, but the Nintex community helped me with most of my problems, so I thought I'm gonna give it a try first. Perhaps someone has any idea?!

Thanks in advance.


Hi Patrick,

Remove the old login name from the site collection permissions. /_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0

Also check if the new user exists in /_catalogs/users/simple.aspx - hidden user information list.

Hi Kapil Joshi,

thanks for your reply.

There is no entry for old username in /_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0

There's only an entry for the new username in both lists.

Any further ideas?


Have you checked the User Profiles to see if it synched and removed the old name? People picker will always search against UIL first and then go to other data sources unless you have modified it. Since you are able to find the person with people picker, it has to be somewhere in SP or AD.

I found this statement: "People Picker gets its info directly from Active Directory or if you've configured a non-standard source (via FBA, ADFSv2, etc.)." from Where does "People Picker" get its info?

When I looked in the User Profile via AD Explorer from Sysinternals, I found orphaned entries. Now everything looks fine, after deleting/changing them.

Thanks for your help Kapil Joshi
