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I am trying to thru a WF to determine if multiple fields are null AND if the Due date has passed.  Would anyone have a sample of RunQuery where it is filtering for Null Values.  I am familiar with RunQuery, but have no experience creating a filter for multiple fields that contain Null Values.

My second question is how do I filter if the due date has exceeded ?  I have noticed some posts that indicate that I need to set Due Date to a separate variable prior to testing if the due date has been exceeded.  

to check for NULL you need not directly write CAML query on your own, you can configure conditions in query builder.

to compare dates you always have to supply date string in ISO format into query. that's probably what might have been meant with storing date to a separate variable.

you condition might look like

if you really want to see CAML query it might look like this one

    <List ID="{059CC7D5-3A09-460C-ACC7-5CDFE38FEED2}" />
    <FieldRef Name="ID" />
          <FieldRef Name="plaintext"  />
          <FieldRef Name="slt"  />
        <FieldRef Name="Created"  />
        <Value Type="DateTime">2016-10-01T00:00:00</Value>

If I need to test for if the Due Date is in the past would that be Due Date < [today]

[Today] is not a CAML term.

you have to use <Today /> or <Now /> elements

see Query Schema 
