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We are uploading a file from a UNC path to a “File” type field in SmartObject using the “Get File from Location” inline function. All is working well, except that the content is not stored in proper format, which causes the file not to be opened via the file attachment control on the smart form. When I render file data on the Smartform file attachment control, though it looks fine, but when i click on the file box (file is present) it doesn't allow file to be downloaded/open. instead it renders to random URL and eventually stops responding.


There is a workaround issue will be resolved in future releases of K2


The Current workaround is:

1. Save the attached xml file to your machine
2. In the process, create an XML field
a. Supply a name
b. Click on XML Schema
c. Browse and select the xml file saved in number 1
d. Click OK

The XML field will now have the same structure as the XML returned by the inline function.
3. Add a Data Event before the event that executes the SmartObject
a. Add a Transfer Data action
b. Assign the inline function to the Source textbox
c. Assign the entire XML file created in number 2 to the Destination textbox
4. On the SmartObject mappings, assign the xml field's content property to the file property's content property.

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