Extract 'Day' value as an integer from the items created date

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I'm looking for a way to extract the 'day' portion of an items created date.

I'd like to use an 'if' function within my workflow to say: IF the created day is before or equal to ( # ) THEN do this... ELSE...

I have a feeling the answer is buried within the regular expression builder, but I'm not sure.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


3 replies

Badge +16

does this help? 

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Thanks Cassy, using the fn-FormateDate function I was able to build a string that pulled the day out of the created date:

fn-FormatDate({ItemProperty:Created}, dd)

As that was a plain text field I just copied it into an number variable which I then used in an 'IF #var is greater or equal to...' condition.

Got there in the end!

thanks happy.png

Badge +16

excellent bobby.  pleased you got a solution in the end!  please mark an answer as correct to close out the thread.
