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Hi ,

Whenver a process is exporetd it gets compiled before getting exported so what is the need to Compile a process before exporting it ?

One can directly export a process . It will automatically get compiled and if it's error free then it gets exported.

So wht's the use of Compile first and then export?
It is basically there to test your code syntax before you export.
Exactly the same principle as 'Build' vs. 'Run' in Visual Studio.

- Ockert
Also remember that every time you export a process, a new version of the process gets deployed to the server and if it is a live system any new processes will use this newest version of the process.
So while you are busy working on a process use only the compile button otherwise your users will start using an incomplete process and might encounter strange errors.

However this is not a problem in an ideal world since the process will be developed on a development environment first, away from production. 😉

Guys Thank U Vey Much
