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We'd like to be able to execute some custom code using K2 Designer for Visual Studio. We have a client event that spawns a worklist item, and once that worklist item goes from 'Available' to 'Open' (and is therefore locked to a specific user), we'd like to be able to make some changes in a separate SQL table. When looking through the Event Item code, we were unable to find a location that references this condition and were wondering if there was any way we could make this happen.


Does anyone have any ideas? Please advise.


Thank you.

Events can be raised when a worklist item is assigned, but not when the assignee clicks the link to open the email.  An event is not raised anywhere in K2 when a worklist item is opened.


A possible alternative could be to direct users to a portal that performs the additional actions then redirects the user to the actual assigned task.
