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The Exchange event dose not work in the process after the upgrade of K2 to 4.6.9. We are able to reach the office 365 service from the browser but not from K2.

All other email events work fine. Issue is only with the Exchange Event.


Please find the Error message below:

Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Autodiscover Failure: The Exchange server is not available, the password is incorrect or the e-mail address {0} does not exist. ServiceName: Exchange Management ServiceGuid: 252ce1f8-d0c3-4494-9726-ce297c4949d3 InnerExceptionMessage:



It seems as though the 4.6.9 installer somehow sets the password for the "Exchange Management" Service Instance to NULL. We have linked this ticket to a feature request so it won't happen in future versions of K2.

The solution for this issue is as follows:

1) Edit the Service Instance for the specific "Exchange Management" Service Broker
2) Uncheck the checkbox "Retain existing password"
3) Enter the password again
4) Click next and Update the Service Instance

This should resolve the issue.

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