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i have read that the K2 blackpearl provides exception handling blocks at the multiple levels, similar to the different escalation levels -- Event, Activity and Process.

 K2 bubbles all process exceptions up to a process exception handler and puts the process in an error state and The error messages in this case are written to the log.

OUR cheif architect does not find this satisfying since each block should inform the block that called it weather there is a success or failure. in k2 after the action.execute() function is run the link between the client app and k2 is missing and the only way to check weather the operation was successfull or not is to check the error profile in k2.

There should be a way in which the client app is informed about any error that happenned in the k2 process even if it was as basic as the "HResult"

Does k2 have a solution to this problem?...did it solve this in the latest KBs released.?



Workflow front-end is running asynchrously from server events.

Front end shouldn't need to know the status of server operation.   It's similar to sending a message to MSMQ, all you know is that you have sent to MSMQ successfully, it's up to the downstream system to process it.

Make sure you sent alerts to Workflow admin in the exception code.

If you want to track additional status then update a status table where when it gets to certain step.


Unfortunatly the default startprocess() also doesn't report on errors even if you sync start, you have to check status afterwords to see if it was active or error, and, it's a feature that action and outcome (what happens) is seperated now, changing the process design won't lead to unexpected delays because the process might be processing more. However this could be something you could log as a feature request. If you do this let me know so i can follow up appropriately. Would also love to hear more about how you would be using this and how you would like it.
