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After deploying our custom application, we notice that workitem is not created properly in K2. In our code, we only get this error:

"Exception of type 'SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectException' was thrown."

No useful information shown. The same application is tested in our QA and DEV environment with the same version of K2 server, all working fine.

After trying to debug, we managed to find this message inside SmartObjectException.BrokerData

"Invalid object name 'K2ServerLog.dbo._ActInstSlot'.
ServiceGuid: ef7310e5-b14f-464d-b0f3-a37d6c367620
ServiceName: WorkflowReportingService
Severity: Error"

Our code is trying to execute: SmartObjectClientServer.ExecuteList()
SmartObject: Activity_Instance_Destination
SmartListMethod: List
Filter: Equal(ProcessInstanceID) AND GreaterThan(ActivityInstanceID)

When we check our DB, we noticed that there's no workitem created since our last upgrade of K2. Though we're not sure if there's actually no workitem from the end user.



Trying to execute the Activity_Instance_Destination SmartObject from the SmartObject Service Tester produces the same error message:

"Invalid object name 'K2ServerLog.dbo._ActInstSlot'."

Editing the WorkflowReportingService service instance shows that the service instance is using the wrong database and database server. The same applies for a few other service instance as well.


K2 is not using the correct database and database server. After performing a repair of K2 blackpearl and specifying the correct database and database server, the application is working again.

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