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We have BlackPearl 4.5 (4.10060.1.0) with KB001420, we are using ShreaPoint groups & user for task assignment. We are facing issues related with the task assignment and Event Notification:


Task Assignment

Task is not visible for newly added user to SharePoint groups and task is still visible for users those has been removed from SharePoint groups. Is there any Timer jobs to execute after group modifications.


Event Notification Failed and got following exception:

"546215","2012-03-08 02:32:08","Error","MessageBus","61007","SendMessageException","MessageBusRuntime","61007 Permanent failure sending message Workflow item received.: System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.


SmartObject Services "Users_and_Groups" is used to get SharePoint Groups & Users, I changed Email address of one user and tried to get it but it return empty string. In order to check, I write following code to check Email but every time it returns empty:


SmartObjectClientServer soServer = new SmartObjectClientServer();


            SCConnectionStringBuilder cb = new SCConnectionStringBuilder();            


            cb.Host = "DLX";


            cb.Port = 5555;


            cb.Integrated = true;


            cb.IsPrimaryLogin = true;






            SmartObject soASD = soServer.GetSmartObject("Users_and_Groups");       


            soASD.MethodToExecute = "Get_E_mail_For_User";


            soASD.AllMethodse0].InputProperties_"User_Fully_Qualified_Name"].Value = @"K2:DenallixAdministrator";






                SmartObject smoASDList = soServer.ExecuteScalar(soASD);


                Console.WriteLine(smoASDList.Properties "Email"]);





Is there any thing I missed or any configuration setting is required?


Any help much appreciated.


The assignement problem is likely due to the "group resolution" option on the client event.

The task is assigned to a group. At this time the K2 engine resolves all the users included in this group and do the assignment. Then if you change de group composition, maybe K2 does not update the assignment information. Maybe there is a way to tell K2 to compute again which user to assign the task to (a checkbox hidden somewhere in the event designer), or maybe it is a bug. I can't tell much as I have no access to my K2 machine right now.


About the email issue, I would try with another user than administrator, just to be sure the email is not really empty. Or in the "smartobject service tester", try and change the mail and see if the change is made properly.


Hope this helps.

Hi Arif, I guess this is due to Identity Service. It might be that cache is not updated. See this KB

To force the rebuild, execute the smartobject "UMUser_Get Group Users" method and input group name and label name

e.g: Group Name: IntranetIntranet Owners
        LabelName : SP

Thanks NunurZ,

I tried it by changing email address, but got empty email address. Smart Object services also return empty email address. Can you tell me where smartobject gets email address from SharePoint or AD?

Event Notifications use the User Manager to determine the destination user's email address. So, if it's a "K2" label user, then we'll lookup the user in Active Directory. If you assign a task to a SharePoint group, the notifications are going to be sent to the individual members of the group. Depending on the security provider for that user (AD, SQLUM, LDAP, custom, etc.), K2 will query that security provider for the email address.

I think we may also use the value cached in the Identity Service's cache, if available. Regardless, that's resolved against the user's actual security provider.

- SharePoint Group Name: PortalMyGroup
- Group members: DENALLIXob, DENALLIXcodi

These are AD users in a SP group.
The Identity Service will resolve the group's membership, and note that "K2:DENALLIXob" and "K2:DENALLIXcodi" are in the group.
When you use the group "SP:PortalMyGroup" as a destination set, K2 will send an email notification to each group member.
K2 will resolve the user "K2:DENALLIXob" against Active Directory to get his email address.

From the MessageBus error you included, either the user store has a badly formatted email address (or it's blank), or the destination user isn't in a valid format.

