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we found the mail notification does not work in our K2 Server now, I mean the event notification mail in Client event. it works at first, but after i used another account to use the system, it does not work. in Client event, once I set destination user, he can see the instance in worklist, but can‘t receive mail.

the email event is working, i can receive the mail from that event. but can not receive the mail from event notification in client event. for some reasons, i can not use the previous account, did anyone know how to address this problem?

any help appreciated.

Check the logs, or run the server in console mode and analyse. More chances are that the email isnt set properly for your new account.

the logs are very long, could you please tell me some key words or some hints that i could search in log? or is there any logs for K2 Server only?

search for error, smtp, email, etc. Or run the server in console mode and watch it in the runtime.

1. Stop K2 server from the services

2. Go to start - All Programs - K2 - K2 Server. This will start the server in console mode.

once in console mode start a process instance and monitor ur console. u might get a hint.

Once done with console mode make sure to start the server in services.

I would also just double check the SMTP server setting that K2 uses to send client event notifications to make sure it has the correct SMTP server entered.

Take a look at the following post:

hello, ManjunathKP

thanks for your great help. now i can find the cause, but don't know how to solve it:

the error in logs:

A referral was returned from the server.
|   at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)
   at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind()
   at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.RefreshCache()
   at ADUM.K2UserManager2.GetDirectoryEntry(String path)
   at ADUM.K2UserManager2.FindSecurityGroupsWithDefault(String User, String Name, String Description, String domainLDAP, String uOrgUnit)
   at ADUM.K2UserManager2.FindSecurityGroups(String User, IDictionary`2 properties)
   at SourceCode.Security.Providers.K2UMProvider.K2UMProvider.SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Interfaces.IRoleProvider.FindGroups(String userName, IDictionary`2 properties)
   at SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Runtime.UserRoleManagerServer.FindGroups(String userName, IDictionary`2 properties, String labelName, String extraData)


2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Runtime.UserRoleManagerServer.FindGroups, A referral was returned from the server.

8060 ProcessPacket Error, A referral was returned from the server.


i guess the first should be the cause, it seems my server can not find mail address from AD for some specific domain account


Yes. May be something is wrong with the AD or the Profile in the AD. Best thing would be to copy this log and paste it in the ticket and submit a ticket in Portal
