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Event ID 64007


We are suddenly seeing a lot of errors on the blackpearl server around getting users and groups. This is causing authentication issues with SmartForms. Below are some examples:

64007 Provider did not return a result for K2:DENALLIXAdministrator on GetUser
64010 The Identity User:K2:DENALLIXAdministrator, does not appear to be discoverable or does not exist.

When attempting to refresh this User using the Identity Refresh Tool, the user is disabled in the eIdentity].]Identity] table although the account is still activevalid in AD.

The following errors was also logged, although there does not seem to be any negative impacts:

64005 Failed to resolve '0': .

64007 The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint 'CK_Identity_Identity_FQN'. The conflict occurred in database 'K2', table 'Identity.Identity', column 'FQN'.
The statement has been terminated.

28018 K2:DOMAINUSER does not have permissions to open the process

24411 K2:DOMAINUSER from ***** is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=734_38


This is a bug that will only occur for certain environment. A coldfix was provided and applied to resolve this issue. Please log a support ticket if you are experiencing similar symptoms.

This ticket was associated with an existing tfs for further investigation. These errors does not have any negative impact nor prevent users from interacting with workflows.

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