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I have a requirement to escalate (send mails) to the destination user reminding him of the pending action. This is simple. However we want to escalate only on 5th and 15th of every month until action is taken. Could anyone share how it can be done?

I found that there is a method K2.SetEscalationRule which sets the time/date on/after which the item is escalated. When that event is reached, the "Escalation Action" code. By anyway can we get the implemenattion of the methos and how itr calls the Escalation action code?



I want the code for setting the date/time for escalation!

Go into the escalation rule code for the escalations that are set for any given time/date into the future, it won't matter since the code behind will be edited.

From there, write the necessary code to setup the escalation with the 5th day of the month. Then for the second escalation, again go into the rule code and setup the escalation with the 15th day of the month.

Make a third escalation, assuming this is for an activity, edit the rule code to trigger on the last day of the month at 23:59 to goto the same activity. This will make the first two escalations run again with the new month. Setting the 5th and 15th day escalations.
