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Hi all

I have a process which has the activity escalations and email events.

Once I submit the process, email events are sending emails to the destination users.

After 30 minutes (for testing), my activity level supposed to fire and has to send an email to the user. But it is not.

Can you please let me know where I need to check.? What cause this problem.?


Note1 : Only error I see from my event viewer is,

============= task list

problem determining checkout status.

system.nullreferceexception.objectreference not et to an instance of an object at sourcecode.workflow.tasklist.webpart.tasklistwebpartfactory.testconaeditfilters()


Note 2:  Under my k2worklist, I am able to see the worklist items (no problem) and I am able to approve the process by clicking there.


thanks and please let me know.



The error in the event log “problem determining checkout status” is a known issue causing no negative side effects the reporting of this error has been removed in a future release.

