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I have an client event activity that is an approval stage. This is being set to 1-many approvers and requires all approvers to approve for the activity to complete.

It has been setup with a Desgination Rule Option or "Plan per destination - All at once", then creating a slot for each destination and creating a slot for each role and group. Then I have created an escalation rule on the event to send an email to the approvers if the task isn't completed in a certain time frame.

Testing provides the following results. 2 users assigned to approve, one approves and one doesn't, both users receive the email escalation.

Any ideas what I can do so only the user that hasn't completed their task gets the escalation email?



This is as designed.


Configure an EVENT LEVEL escalation
Make sure your Client Event is in its own EVENT … Otherwise other actions not being completed other than the specific Client Event will fire off the Escalation as well
For the TO field of your Escalation Email use Specify and then go to your Process Context and drag in the Activity Destination Instance Email Address

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