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Investigate the usage of "Working Hours". Working Hours can be configured at the Solution, Process and Activity levels, so you can have multiple sets of hours if a process covers has steps that are split across different time zones.
Hi all,

Is there a way to start an escalation rule by the time the destination user first reviews the worklist item (meaning when the status changes from available to open)

Any suggestions ?

Set it to the next day at 9:30am and kick off again every 30 minutes

Dim DateTime as New DateTime(2007,2,14,9,30,0)
Dim Days as integer = 0
Dim Hours as integer = 0
Dim Minutes as integer = 30
Dim Seconds as integer = 0

K2.SetEscalationRule(DateTime, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds,1)

1 = repeat just once
Hi Peter,

A = Requestor and B = Receiver

B will receive a reminder mail when he did not take any action on his/her worklistitem after half an hour.

A works in shifts and sometimes starts a new process instance at 10 in the evening. B works usally only till 5 in the evening and that would mean that he/she would have the reminders already in their outlook inbox the next morning as they have no chnace to get the work done in half an hour.

So any suggestions ?
Working hours are exactly for this reason as explained in the scenario by nukkumatti, implement working hours on the Activity, Process or Solution and you are set.

PS. Good advice Bob!
