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Hi All,

Is it possible to implement escalation on an activity that has a default server event?

Thanks and Regards
Yes, as far as I know it is possible but be aware that your Escalation will more or less have to fire immediately (at Activity Instantiation). If it is a Synchronous server event, the code will execute very quickly and the Activity Instance my be disposed before the escalation has fired.

Hi Ockert,

Thanks for replying .

Does it mean that I cannot give conditions like ESCALATE after 2/3 days .

How about making the event Asynchronous ?

Will U also please explain the differnece between Sync and Async. Server event ?
No, sure you can set the escalation to fire after 2/3 days but...
If you've only got a synchronous server event in an Activity, there should be no reason why the code should take 2/3 days to execute. Remember, that is 2/3 days after instantiation of the Activity containing the Escalation and NOT 2/3 days after process start date. Code in a synchronous server event, should not take more than a couple of seconds to execute.

From the Help file:
Server Event Example: [Synchronous = True]
Making a call to an existing database in SQL Server will return a result immediately and therefore no additional action is required to ensure that the result is returned before the event can be completed.

Server Event Example: [Synchronous = False]
Making a call to an external system may require that the process has to wait for an indefinite period of time that can vary based on the processing required by the external system. To facilitate this business requirement, make use of a 2003 Server Event that sets the Synchronous property to False. This action will force 2003 Server to create a Server Item that can be reached from an external call using the K2ROM object. The serial number must be passed to the external application to allow it to perform the call back to 2003 Server to finish the server item.

In Summary:
In a Synchronous Server Event, the code contained within the event will be executed and the process will continue normally i.e. the event is 'Finished' automatically.
In an ASynchronous Server Event the code contained within the event will be executed and the process will wait for an external system to explicitly finish the event.

An escalation set to fire after 2/3 days will therefore only make sense if the Activity contains an ASynchronous server event.

Hope this makes sense,
Hi Ockert,

Thanks for replying .

It was definitely of help .
