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If I release a workitem to an activity that has an escalation of 'Escalate On a specified Date'. If this date is in the past will the escalation activity still send an Email?

I've had a look at the help and can only find the below;


Escalate On a specified Date

Allows you to escalate an Activity at a specific date and time if the Workflow participant has not completed the activity by the specified date and time. You can also choose to repeat the escalation X number of times after the specified amount of time has elapsed from the date you specify.
I'm not exactly sure I understand your request/question.

If you Release a work item, it means that the Activity containing this Client Event has been (and still is) 'Active'. As long as the Activity is Active, the Escalation will fire and you SHOULD not end up in a situation where the Escalation Date and Time is smaller than the current Time (Now).

It can however happen that an Activity is instantiated with an Escalation date and time which has already occurred i.e. in the past. In this case, an error will be thrown and the process instance will end up in the Error Profiles.

If I understand correctly you want to know if the release of a worklist item will affect the escalation.

The escalation is set on the Activity level an the release of a workitem will not affect the escalation at all.
I had a problem that my escalation wouldn't fire an email. I thought it was because the time I was sending in was less than the current time. K2 errors if the time is less than the start date but was wondering if it fired if the time was less than now.

I have sorted the problem now, thanks for your help.
