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I am having a problem when trying to deploy a process to a production server. In my development environment i am able to deploy and run the process without any problems but when i try to deploy on/to the production server i get errors.

I have tried deploying using a deploy package from the command line and i have also loaded the project into the K2 Studio on the production server and tried deploying from there.

When trying to deploy from the K2 studio I getthe following errors:

3 Error(s)
() The build was aborted because of an internal failure.
Microsoft.Build.Shared.InternalErrorException: Internal MSBuild Error: We can only call this method once
   at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(Boolean condition, String unformattedMessage)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.EngineBuildLoop(BuildRequest terminatingBuildRequest)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.PostProjectEvaluationRequests(Project project, StringS] projectFiles, StringS]r] targetNames, BuildPropertyGroupy] globalPropertiesPerProject, IDictionaryi] targetOutputsPerProject, BuildSettings buildFlags, StringS] toolVersions)
(ProjectSystem) Internal MSBuild Error: We can only call this method once
   at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(Boolean condition, String unformattedMessage)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.EngineBuildLoop(BuildRequest terminatingBuildRequest)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.PostProjectEvaluationRequests(Project project, Stringj] projectFiles, Stringi]e] targetNames, BuildPropertyGroupr] globalPropertiesPerProject, IDictionary ] targetOutputsPerProject, BuildSettings buildFlags, Stringl] toolVersions)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.BuildProject(Project project, Stringr] targetNames, IDictionary targetOutputs, BuildSettings buildFlags)
   at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project.Build(String targetName)
   at SourceCode.ProjectSystem.BuildProject.BuildTarget(String targetName)
   at SourceCode.ProjectSystem.AssemblyReference.OnResolveBuildItem()
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Authoring.Process.ResolveAllReferences()
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Authoring.Process.Validate()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.Compiler.WorkflowCompiler.Execute()

(StockAvailbility) The targets in this project have been disabled by the host and therefore cannot be built at this time. This may have been done for security reasons. To enable the targets, the host must set Project.BuildEnabled to "true".

0 Warnings(s)

When trying to deploy the process from the command line... only as a test I get the following error/response:

Build started 07/11/2012 11:46:33 AM.
Project "D:AccpacWSupportDCAMK2ProcessDeploymentsStockAvailabilityFlow20121017_1StockAvailbility.msbuild" on node
 1 (default targets).
Deploy Processes:
  Deploy Processes: Task Started (07/11/2012 11:46:34 AM)
  Adding Process : StockAvailbilityOrderAvailability
  Deploy Process: Task Error: No such host is known (07/11/2012 11:46:37 AM)
D:AccpacWSupportDCAMK2ProcessDeploymentsStockAvailabilityFlow20121017_1StockAvailbility.msbuild(134,5): error : No such host is known
  Deploy Process: Task Completed (07/11/2012 11:46:37 AM)
Done Building Project "
build" (default targets) -- FAILED.


"D:AccpacWSupportDCAMK2ProcessDeploymentsStockAvailabilityFlow20121017_1StockAvailbility.msbuild" (default target) (1) ->
(Deploy Processes target) ->
  D:AccpacWSupportDCAMK2ProcessDeploymentsStockAvailabilityFlow20121017_1StockAvailbility.msbuild(134,5): error : No such host is known

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:04.46

For some additional information, i do not have any visual studio installed on the production server at all, but as far as Blackpearl is concerend everything is loaded on a single server. I created in the K2 studio as simple single step process which sends an email and managed to deploy that to the production server without any problems.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


If you open a K2 project in K2 Studio that has been used in Visual Studio it adds references dat K2 Studio cannot handle. In K2 Studio click on references and delete the dll references that are marked red. Save and try to deploy.
