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I have Problems with Nintex Workflow and the Action XML-Update. Every time I get this error:

Fehler bei der Verarbeitung des XML. The 'br' start tag on line 1 position 628 does not match the end tag of 'p'. Line 1, position 696.

How can I find the error? Is it possible to save the file and have a look about it? I have a XML-Update with about 25 positions and it is hard to find out which one is the bad one...

Thank you.


Hi Oliver,

Unfortunately the XML-update action does not have the run as option.  That would be a nice extra feature in this action to test run and display the output.  You might also have a problem to write the XML-output to a log in history because it cuts of after a few characters and XML might be quite big.

I would suggest you write the XML-output to a multiple line variable called XML-Output and add this to a email with the send notification and send it to you. Then you have to wait a few minutes for the email to get to you and then debug it.

Let me know if I misunderstood your requirement.

Hi Francois,

thank you for the informations.

I use XML-Update to do up to 40 various changes in the XML-File... So an E-Mail is not really possible. I splited the XML up to 30 single Updates (I know - lot of work), but it was the only way to find the bad update. Now I fixed it and it works fine. Everytime I want to update XLM with multipe-line Textfields, there is a Problem with <br> tags... I think this is a Major Problem with HTML-Code in XML-Updates. I didn't find an solution yet. If somebody know a trick - let me know! ;-)
