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We are currently having intermittent errors when deploying packages to our testing environments, and are unsure what the cause of the errors are. It seems to occur in the Post-Deployment section, with an error message of: Dependency could not be created: System.Exception: Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment. Check Data property of exception. at SourceCode.Hosting.Services.DependancyService.VerifyObjects(List`1 parents) at SourceCode.Hosting.Services.DependancyService.CreateDepenancyBatch(Dictionary`2 depenancyBatch)




This is a known issue which usually happens when the source environment contains some tables that are not in the target environment. Please execute the smartobject being referenced using SmartObjects Service Tester tool and see if you will get an error. If you have multiple smartobjects that your trying to deploy please execute each one of the using the tester tool until you find one with an error. Additional information from a previous ticket: Based on this error message and preceding events (failed deployment) we come to conclusion that issue caused by the fact that parent Service Instance for affected views/SmOs was out of sync between environments causing "Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment" error. As per client, to resolve this they refreshed SQL database Service Instance once again through the SmartObject Service Tester and started the deployment of the problematic package once again. This time they just ignored the warnings that both forms where checked out and went through with deployment. The deployment was successful and in the Designer both forms were checked in after this.



Provided the client with API code to help them achieve their desired outcome. Please see below link that gives examples of API code that can be used for refreshing Service instance



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