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Hi there,

I am getting errors:
Unable to find dependency 'KMSVR' of project output ****
Unable to find dependency 'K2STXH' of project output ****

after porting the K2 application form the developpment server to the production server. As far as I know they should have the same version of software on, but the domains differ. I know there is already two apps running on the live server so it is in a working condition and it is working in the development environment where it was developed. where must I look for the files and what is using these files.


Nic Scheepers
Hi Nic,

It looks like one or more of your references can not find all of its dependencies.

You'll have to check your development environment for the existence and location of these two dependencies and put it in the exact same location in the production environment.

The search order of assemblies and dependencies for is the same as for any other .NET application:
1. GAC
2. Current working folder i.e. '['s Bin folder]'
3. A specified folder i.e. '['s Bin folder]Work[ProcID]'

Hope this helps,
