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K2 dev already successfully upgrade but now i have a problem with current k2 process, try to redeploy from last version year 2015,
but it's have error as attached.

2 Error(s)
(IT Request) The SmartObject 'User' used in '...' could not be found.
(IT Request) The SmartObject method 'Get List' in SmartObject 'Approver' used in '...' could not be found.

4 Warnings(s)
(Workflow) Schema validation failed for XML Field 'ItemReferences': The 'displayName' attribute is not declared.
(Workflow) Schema validation failed for XML Field 'ItemReferences': The 'primary' attribute is not declared.
(Workflow) Schema validation failed for XML Field 'ItemReferences': The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty.
(Workflow) Schema validation failed for XML Field 'ItemReferences': The element 'itemReference' cannot contain child element 'settings' because the parent element's content model is empty.

Try to seacrh and execute above from smartobject tester, there are working well.


Something has gone wrong with the association between the workflow and the SmartObjects in the error message.

1. Make sure the SmartObject is working, and has not been removed and re-added

2. Run through the necessary wizards again and make sure there are no errors


We run through the event wizards for the events listed in the error messages and made sure the SmartObject is referenced correctly. When the error still appears, removed the SmartObject reference in the event wizard and re-added it back. That resolves the issue.

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