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I'm trying to do a workflow that queries a BCS multiple times during the execution, passing each time a different filter, so I can retrieve different information for different rows..

My first Query BCS action executes fine and it gets the values correctly but if I do a second Query BCS Action (even copying the previous one), it errors with Access Denied:



Anyone has any idea why this happen?


Thanks for you help!



Hi, unfortunately I've not been able to solve this.

Because I was using BCS to read from a SQL table, I've changed my Query BCS actions to a more direct Execute SQL and I query my source in that way instead of using BCS

Is there a timing issue with this? Is there a time gap between the actions?

Yes, that's down to the timer service. If it had been a "show-stopper" you could have looked at changing the timing intervals for the timer service, but that's a farm change obviously, and you have got around it.

How about the Commit Pending Changes action? I can't say for sure that it is a timing issue, but that would have been my first thought to rule out. You might also be able to find something in the ULS logs, even though there is no correlation ID, that error code would have been produced and with time and date you could investigate any further details in the logs.

yes, I seem to have the same problem. Querying the BCS once is fine but after that, it gives the error "Access is denied"
